While surfing through
this site on
Recipezaar, I found this collection of recipes by categories and by celebrity chef recipes. One collection was 400-plus recipes either from or adapted from Cooking Light, one of which was
Banana Bread which also used oatmeal and buttermilk. I had three tired-looking and blackened bananas on the counter and about a cup left in the carton of buttermilk so I thought I'd give this recipe a try. This was so simple that it didn't even involve pulling the mixer out of the pantry. Simply mix the dry in a large bowl, combine the wet in another and then gently mix the two just until all the dry ingredients are moist. This doesn't make a huge loaf, which is okay with me, just an 8 x 5 1/2 pan, but it rose up over the sides nicely and popped right out of the pan after 15 minutes or so of initial cooling. After completely cooled it was wrapped in foil and I'll give it a try tomorrow, maybe for breakfast or afternoon snack. As with most quick breads, they usually taste better after 24 hours or so of curing. I followed the recipe as written this time, but next time I may throw in a handful of chopped pecans and maybe a few mini chocolate chips. I know that will bump up the calories, but what the heck!

Our schnauzer Demi evidently has a problem with his liver and is back on antibiotics to bring down the white blood cell count. Keep your fingers crossed. He seems a bit more animated and "with it" since last week.
We seem to be in a leftovers mode for the next few days, so no new recipes are planned right now, but I've always got something in mind for down the road.
Oh no! Jeff and I send our good thoughts for a speedy recovery for the pup!
Thanks for the positive thoughts, Joe. Demi went for a one-week check-up and had gained an ounce! I know it's not a lot, but at least he hasn't lost more weight. The vet wants to try two more weeks on antibiotics and then do a full blood test.
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